Kentucky Stoned

Grow Some Stones, Why You Should Be Using Whiskey Stones

Whiskey drinking has always been, and will always be, about YOUR own drinking experience. If you, like many other people, enjoy drinking whiskey naked, that is, without ice or water, then go right ahead.

In fact, many whiskey distillers recommend the method of drinking whiskey naked. By doing it this way, you will taste the exact flavor that the people who made it wanted it to taste. This means you are tasting and smelling the fine details of the grain, the wood, and the alcohol flavor in the whiskey. This way of drinking is especially useful if you want to savor and appreciate the differences between scotch, bourbon, and rye.

However, there’s also nothing like a nicely chilled glass of whiskey. If you want the best of both worlds, it’s time to get yourself a good set of whiskey stones.

What exactly are whiskey stones?

It’s always nice to relax and enjoy a glass of whiskey for a while, either by yourself or with the company of others. But if you put ice and let it sit, it melts and compromises the natural flavor of the whiskey. The same can be said for adding water to your drink, even more so if you do not have access to distilled or spring water. By using only tap water you can greatly change the quality of the whiskey. Unlike ice or water, whiskey stones do not melt and they do not dilute your whiskey at all.

Whiskey stones offer a unique drinking experience because you can enjoy drinking whiskey in its purest form while also keeping it nice and cold. They are typically made from soapstone, glass, granite, stainless steel, or plastic and can be large or small. They can be used multiple times for an indefinite period. They also come in different shapes, such as circular disks, balls, and cubes. They are simply kept in the freezer to chill and are added to a glass of whiskey in the same manner as ice cubes.

You’ll typically only need about two to three stones, depending on the size and shape, to chill your drink. Once chilled, you can simply remove the stones and enjoy the drink uninhibited. They are usually sold with a pouch or some other form of container, so in case you want to rechill your drink, all you need to do is get a fresh batch from the freezer.

Choosing your whiskey stone

The whiskey stones you choose should fit your personality and drinking preferences. Here are some things you should consider before purchasing a set:

Porous and Non-Porous. Make sure your stones are made of non-porous materials. This will help ensure that there is no added odor or taste to the drink. Solid soapstone and stainless steel are good choices.

Material. Depending on the material of the whiskey stone, there can be differences on how long it may take to chill the whiskey and how long it can keep it cold. Stainless steel materials can usually chill your drink faster and sustain the temperature for longer periods of time than the other materials. Make sure that the stones you buy are not simply plated with stainless steel. Instead, find a reputable source for pure stainless steel whiskey stones.

Using solid soapstone whiskey stones is also a great way to chill your drink. Not only do they look better and more classy, they are also softer than steel and usually have rounded edges so they will not scratch your glass inadvertently.

Shape. The amount of the whiskey stones’ surface area that is exposed to the drink will affect how fast it can chill your whiskey, so keep this in mind when selecting your set. Also, check if the stones have been properly polished and if they do not contain sharp edges.

Brand. Choose a brand with great reviews, a reputation for quality, and a reasonable price. A lot of brands in the market today can simply be faddish and do not do anything for your drink. A little bit of research here will save you from disappointment.

Personalization. Some whiskey stone manufacturers provide customization options such as adding text to the stone or changing the shape. They can be great gifts for groomsmen, dads, and business partners.

Safety. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions about how to use your whiskey stones properly. Also, check that the whiskey stone you buy is approved by the FDA or an equivalent regulatory body.

Maintenance. A quick rinse with water is all that you need to clean and maintain the stones. Before you put them in the freezer again, make sure that they are dry by wiping them with a clean towel.

Why you should listen to whiskey stone naysayers, and then totally ignore them anyway

Whiskey stones have been around for a while, and to be perfectly honest, while there have been positive reviews about them, there are negative ones as well. A lot of these negative comments come from early reviews of the stones, when the technology was not as advanced. Some other bad reviews also stem from improper use and maintenance. Let’s look at the usual complaints about whiskey stones and finally separate fact from fiction.

They don’t chill your drink fast enough/keep your drink cold. Many complaints about whiskey stones tell of how they do not work in chilling your drink at all. This was probably true back then, but now, with the introduction of new whiskey stone technology, a lot of these issues have been resolved.

New shapes, materials, and sizes are being sold in the market today. Many stainless-steel stones have also introduced a form of chilling technology inside its interior. By using a liquid gel of sorts, the stones now allow you to chill your drink faster and keep it cold longer.

They can be a hindrance to drinking. Many people get confused and use whiskey stones just like ice leaving them in the glass during the whole drinking session. However, after they have chilled your drink it is actually recommended to remove the whiskey stones first. If you want, you can just leave them there when you still have a good amount of whiskey, but if you only have a little left you should remove them.

They can add a taste to your whiskey. As mentioned before, if you do not research properly and buy stones made of porous materials, then they will definitely affect the taste of your whiskey. Improper maintenance can also lead to a change in taste so make sure to clean them properly.

The Best Whiskey Stones

The best whiskey stones are the ones that perfectly fit your personality and purpose. All you need is a little research to ensure that the shape, material, and size match your needs. If you’re planning to use them to entertain business partners, a classy soapstone set is a great purchase. If you want to use them for a party with a lot of people, then using stainless steel stones should ensure that everyone can quickly enjoy a nicely chilled drink.


Micaela Jularbal

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